Supreme × Timberland(シュプリーム・ティンバーランド)の20春夏コラボアイテムが、2020/3/28(土) Week5に国内で発売予定です。
パテントレザー素材のEuro Hiker Low、クルーネックスウェットシャツ、6パネルキャップが発売予定です。Euro Hiker Lowは、ブラック、イエロー、レッドの3カラー展開です。
- Supreme®/Timberland® Patent Leather Euro Hiker Low 24,200円 €168 $168
- Supreme®/Timberland® Crewneck 26,400円 €158 $158
- Supreme®/Timberland® 6-Panel 8,250円 €50 $48
Supreme × Timberland 20SSコラボアイテムのシュプリーム公式イメージ
・Supreme®/Timberland® Patent Leather Euro Hiker Low
・Supreme®/Timberland® Crewneck
・Supreme®/Timberland® 6-Panel
Supreme × Timberland 20SSコラボアイテムのLOOKBOOK
Supreme has worked with Timberland® to produce a Euro Hiker Low, Crewneck and 6-Panel. The Euro Hiker Low features a patent leather upper with nylon canvas collar and recycled rubber outsoles. The Crewneck and 6-Panel feature embroidered logos. Made exclusively for Supreme, the Euro Hiker Low will be offered in three color ways. The Crewneck will be offered in four color ways and the 6-Panel will be offered in six color ways. Available online only March 26th. Available in Japan stores and online March 28th. As our stores in the US, UK and France are temporarily closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19, shipping fees will be waived on all orders over $150. via supreme